9/27/05 – Recently rejected for placement in a collection of stick figure comics, Nathan has re-purposed this comic for us as the latest installment of A.

9/20/05 – New episode of For Truth, Justice, and the American Way, in which Chainsaw Guy month gets revisited.

9/13/05 – New these.are.comics by Jamie! Love it or leave it!

9/6/05 – Here it is true believer! Chainsaw Guy Episode 50! In the mighty Marvel tradition, this is the comic that changes everything! Also, the image of the month is from a series of shirt designs Aaron did for Killer Tee. Look for them in the near future.

8/30/05 – Dave has returned home to Hong Kong and finishes off Chainsaw Guy month. What a month it’s been… stay tuned next week for Chainsaw Guy!

8/23/05 – Nathan celebrates Aaron and Ashley’s wedding in his vision of Chainsaw Guy’s wedding night.

8/16/05 – Dave was unable to get his comic in by deadline because he was out of the country (ironically, as a Hong Kong native, “out of the country” actually means he’s in the U.S.) so Chris Fenoglio did his guest comic a few weeks early. Enjoy!

8/9/05 – Chainsaw Guy Month continues with Jamie Dee Galey’s perfect take on the character. Read it and weep… no, laugh! Read it and laugh! Whew.

8/2/05 – Today marks the 5 year anniversary of the first Chainsaw Guy comic posted online. Our guy has come a long way, from his humble origins as sharpie sketches on napkins to being a feature painting in Aaron’s senior art show and having his image hung in SFMOMA (technically true). To celebrate this special occasion, August is Chainsaw Guy Month. All of the regular contributors will be doing guest strips of Chainsaw Guy in their own style and format (including a guest artist for week 5), and we have a Chainsaw Guy Image of the Month by Mike Stevens. Rounding off this Marvel-esque event will be the 50th episode of Chainsaw Guy the first week of September. Aaron starts off Chainsaw Guy Month with the longest Chainsaw Guy comic to date. Enjoy!

7/27/05 – Nathan takes a different approach on this episode of his popular A series.

7/19/05 – David has been swamped with other work, so Aaron filled in a guest comic of For Truth, Justice and the American Way this month, featuring that diabolical fly. Warning: David’s fly was cute, but Aaron’s is kind of gross.

7/12/05 – New 6 page episode of these.are.comics. Celebrate you fools!

7/5/05 – New episode of Chainsaw Guy. Also, former guest artist Brendan Collins has officially launched his new site Talulah Crossing! In celebration, we have a picture of his characters Mr. Jones and Betsy for the image of the month.

6/28/05 – New Episode of A by Nathan. SFA and SPX deadlines are this Thursday, so get your stuff in!

6/21/05 – New episode of For Truth, Justice and the American Way! Will something happen this time? You’ll just have to read and find out!

6/14/05 – New these.are.comics by Jamie Dee Galey. Full color and full humor!

6/7/05 – Aaron returns to Chainsaw Guy! A photo for the image of the month! Not My Small Diary #12 is now available, with comics by Jamie Dee Galey, Dan Hernandez, Edward J Grug III, Raina Telgemeier, Dave Roman, and many, many others!

5/31/05 – Guest comic by Borgin Ninetails the 5th!

5/17/05 – New episode of For Truth, Justice and the American Way. And stuff.

5/10/05 – Jamie takes a break from re to do a short comic plugging an anthology he’s working on. Check it out, sucka.

5/3/05 – After fighting with my internet for longer than I’d care to think about, the site is updated! The long awaited finale of Nothing Ever Happens! Plus, new image of the month by David Henzie!

4/27/05 – Nathan takes a break from Gold Rushers to give us a one shot of Fowl Life about the birth of his son, Quinn.

4/19/05 – New Episode of For Truth, Justice, and the American Way. This time there’s a little bit of action for ya… kinda…

4/13/05 – Chainsaw Comics is three years and one week old and to celebrate, Jamie provides us with his tenth installment of the ever powerful r-e.

4/05/05 – Chainsaw Comics is three years old this week! This year has seen the birth of several new comics, as well as welcoming a couple new artists into the Chainsaw Comics family including Jamie Dee Galey, Ashley Friend, and Chainsaw Comics’ prodigal son David Henzie. This year also saw the switch from a biweekly to weekly schedule, and many amazing guest artists such as Dalton Sharp, Mike Stevens, Blake 4000, and Brendan Collins. What’s in the year to come? Who knows! I’m not going to say a new site design or “Perchance to Dream” like I’ve said the last two years… but it’s possible? I’ve decided I’m too lazy for one huge redesign, so I’m redoing parts of the site at a time. So far I’ve given Chainsaw Guy and Strip Fight their own sections of the archive, and will continue to make new sections whenever a series gets over 10 episodes. Also, I’ve redesigned the Image of the Month Archives so the images are in rows of 2 (to take up half as much space). As part of the birthday celebration, we’ve made AIM icons for all the comics on Chainsaw (and a few others by Chainsaw creators) and have added those to the image archive as well. Next will be a huge overhaul of the links section. PS- New Chainsaw Guy and new Image of the Month by Jamie.

3/29/05 – It’s guest week time again! This month’s guest comic comes from a Mr. Brendan Collins, and is rated TV PG for suggestive dialogue.

3/22/05 – New Gold Rushers featuring Philip Armour, maker of hot dogs. Armour hot dogs. The dogs kids love to bite!

3/15/05 – New episode of For Truth, Justice and the American Way, about For Truth, Justice and the American Way. Also, it was recently announced that i.am.jamie will be having a comic in the up coming You Ain’t No Dancer anthology along with such big names as Jeffrey Brown and Jim Mahfood. Congratulations Jamie!

3/9/05 – Because Nathan wasn’t busy with anything else Aaron asked him to post the new comic by i.am.jamie. Well, he forgot about it, so the one week Jamie got his stuff in on time, Nathan posted it late.

3/1/05 – Part 2 of the action thriller Nothing Ever Happens. Also, be sure to check out the Daily Grind Iron Man Challenge. 56 cartoonists are competing to see who can keep up a daily comic the longest, including our very own i.am.jamie and past Chainsaw Comics contributors Mike Stevens and Dalton Sharp. Last but not least, new image of the month by Aaron Brassea.

2/22/05 – The long awaited second episode of Gold Rushers. And there was much rejoicing.

2/15/05 – New episode of For Truth, Justice, and the American Way! Yeah! Also, check out iamjamie.com for i.am.jamie’s new daily comic “Pillow Talk.” Don’t worry, it’s not what you think… unless you think it’s the misadventures of an anthropomorphic pillow… then it’s exactly what you think!

2/8/05 – i.am.jamie returns triumphantly with a new episode of r-e. Also, go to his site and order his new minis Fishing and Look Into the Stars if you haven’t already.

2/1/05 – This week begins a brand new mini-series by Aaron Brassea entitled Nothing Ever Happens. Also, new image of the month by Chris Fenoglio.

1/25/05 – Inspired by Shel Silverstein, Nathan creates The Dot.

1/18/05 – New episode of For Truth, Justice and the American Way, actually featuring the army of Nazi vampire frogs joked about last month! Kinda…

1/11/05 – When i.am.jamie joined Chainsaw Comics, he supplied a couple extra comics just in case anything ever happened to him. Well, something happened to him, so here they are! RIP i.am.jamie… until next month.

1/4/05 – New Chainsaw Guy. Other announcement encoded within. New image of the month by Chris Fenoglio.

12/21/04 – Episode 2 of “For Truth, Justice and the American Way”, in which Dave battles an army of Nazi vampire frogs… wait no… it’s more about the wedding.

12/14/04 – New episode of these.are.comics, continuing r-e’s quest for an animal.

12/7/04 – Chainsaw Guy Episode 40? Why? How? Ridiculous… In other news, this month marks the end of Aaron’s “Sound Rebel” series for the images of the month. Also, this is the third year in a row we’ve had a Ramones picture for December. Hooray!

11/30/04 – Guest comic week! This week’s guest comic comes from Blake 4000, who treats us to a preview of his upcoming mini comic Melon Man. Keep checking i.am.jamie’s message board for announcements on the release.

11/23/04 – Can it be? A new series two weeks in a row? It can and it is! New series by Nathan Stryker: Gold Rushers.

11/16/04 – The debut of our new series: For Truth, Justice and the American Way by David Henzie. Hooray!

11/9/04 – New comic from i.am.jamie, despite the fact that his scanner isn’t working. Talk about dedication!

11/2/04 – New Chainsaw Guy. If you expect it to be about the election just because today happens to be November 2nd you’re sadly mistaken. Or are you…

10/26/04 – The long awaited Becky in Monkey Land! Hooray!

10/19/04 – New (and possibly final) episode of Chainsaw Gal. After a 2 and a half year wait, David Otis Henzie will start doing a monthly comic for us. Here’s one possibility for a series.

10/13/04 – Another excellent installment of r-e. Also, check out Nathan’s 2 panel Fowl Life comic over at Strip Fight. It’s also kinda a preview of Becky in Monkeyland! Kinda…

10/5/04 – New Chainsaw Guy, guest starring Buff Idiot (it’s nice to see he’s still getting work…). Also, congratulations to Aaron Brassea, Nathan Stryker, and Chris Fenoglio for winning Strip Fight last week! Also also, happy 25th birthday Rachael Legih Cook yesterday!

9/28/04 – Nathan ends his long running series Buff Idiot and Smarty Nerd after 300 comics and over 2 years! To celebrate/ mourn, you can read the whole series as this week’s feature comic.

9/21/04 – New Green Day album! New Green Day Album! Oh, and new Chainsaw Gal…

9/14/04 – New installment in i.am.jamie’s r-e storyline. Nathan says “this is the funniest contribution to chainsaw comics ever… even funnier than wretched zoo!”

9/7/04 – New Chainsaw Guy and image of the month… now on to shameless plugs… Everyone needs to: 1) go see Garden State, 2) buy Elias’s new album Scraps of Paper 3) I forget what 3 was gonna be… 4) check out Aaron’s subtle take on the theme of “the changing of the seasons” at Strip Fight.

8/31/04 – Our second “week 5” since we went to the weekly schedule. New guest comic by Mike Stevens!

8/24/04 – Becky in Monkeyland ran into some problems, so instead Nathan presents a new photo comic starring all your favorite Chainsaw Comics artists. Well, not all your favorites… but the regulars…

8/18/04 – Nathan fails by posting this Chainsaw Gal comic a full day late. Blame him, not Ashley…

8/10/04 – The comic “grab bag” from i.am.jamie continues with yet another r-e comic.

8/3/04 – New one shot by Aaron and Chris. Also, congratulations to Aaron and Tom McHenry for winning Strip Fight last week! You can see their winning entry here.

7/28/04 – New Incoherent Babblings! Next month, the babblings will take a hiatas as nathan brings us the first episode of his super secret project: Becky in Monkeyland.

7/20/04 – New Chainsaw Gal is up, so everyone can stop asking when they get to see a new Chainsaw Gal comic. The next one will be a month from now, so you won’t have to ask again.

7/13/04 – New r-e…

7/6/04 – New Chainsaw Guy continuing the No Need For Story Time story from last month.

6/29/04 – Our first Week 5 special since we’ve been on a true weekly schedule. You may remember me raving about this comic from Strip Fight back in May. I was very fortunate to get Dalton to expand the story a little bit and present it with full page panels. Enjoy!

6/22/04 – OK, two comics posted this week to make up for missing on the 8th. Well… seven comics if you count Incoherent Babblings as six… but for our purposes today we’ll count them all as one so only two comics are posted today. Yes. Anywho, new Chainsaw Gal and Incoherent Babblings. Next week will be our first week 5 surprise, hope ya’ll love it.

6/15/04 – I was gone last week and it looks like I forgot to update the site while I was gone. So this week there’s a new comic by i.am.jamie, part 1 of a new r-e story, and the rest of this month’s comics will be posted this month still, just a little off schedule. We’ll probably end up posting 2 comics for the normal update either next week or the week after, depending on other factors. Also, Aaron’s Strip Fight comic was lost in email, but was resent and got posted today. A big thanks to Ed for being so understanding with that.

6/1/04 – New Chainsaw Guy! New Image of the month! New Strip Fight! New new new!!!

5/25/04 – New series by nathan stryker! New schedule in the News section! Also, go check out Dalton Sharp’s gorgeous new comic on Strip Fight. I honestly thing it’s the best thing that’s been submitted to date.

5/18 – New Chainsaw Guy, possibly the most anticlimactic to date! And for anyone who enjoys Aaron’s comics, go vote for him on Strip Fight. He really needs to win this week!

5/11/04 – New Chainsaw Gal! Coming soon: new monthly schedule!

5/4/04 – In a continuing effort to bring more new talent to Chainsaw Comics… new series by i.am.jamie!

4/27/04 – The fabulous second episode of Chainsaw Gal! Everyone read it and wish you were Chainsaw Guy so you could be her boyfriend!

4/20/04 – [insert 4/20 joke here] OK, now that I’ve gotten that out of the way, new Chainsaw Guy! Also, new BISNs at their new home here.

4/13/04 – We’ve done it! We finally have a weekly schedule and more than one regularly updated ongoing comic! Check out the first episode of Chainsaw Gal. She hasn’t won any awards like Chainsaw Guy, but she’s still funny!

4/6/04 – Wow, Chainsaw Comics is 2 years old today! Looks like we accomplished about half of our goals for last year (just barely got tkc comics 2.0 started in time), and the new site design and Perchance to Dream are both slowly crawling forward, so maybe this year! We’ve come a long way from the beginning on keenspace. We have our own domain name, a ton of web space, and are getting more and more unique visits every month, with almost 1,000 visitors in March and have had visitors from 16 different countries. Anywho, to celebrate the second year, we’re finally going to a weekly schedule like we had planned from the beginning! Next week will be the first episode of the new comic Chainsaw Gal by the lovely and talented Ashley Friend. Check out the image of the month for a preview of what Chainsaw Gal looks like. Also, Aaron has started competing in Strip Fight, so go vote for him every week, and all previous Strip Fight comics will be put up in our archive section.

3/16/04 – The long awaited birth of tkc comics 2.0. I wanted to post aerophobia but didn’t have time to finish it yet, so you’ll have to wait until next month. Nathan wanted me to warn everyone that most tkc 2.0 comics won’t be so lighthearted as this one.

3/02/04 – Chris month is finally over! I dunno about you, but I was starting to get pretty sick of that guy. Aaron’s reign is back, and he’ll be harsher than ever.

2/17/04 – Chris month continues! The long awaited comic by Chris Fenoglio is finally posted, plus a special preview of Abraham Lincoln Vs the Zombies (with a pin up by you know who).

2/03/04 – It’s Chris month! The image of the month for February is by Chris Fenoglio, and the second comic for this month is also drawn by Chris. So as not to distract from Chris month, the new Chainsaw Guy sucks.

1/20/04 – At the last minute I decided not to use my original idea for the new Chainsaw Guy comic, so I had to come up with something else. No idea where this came from…

1/06/04 – New year, same old Chainsaw Guy. Well… it’s a new episode, but he’s still the same same guy we all know and love so dearly.

12/20/03 – Between spending time with my girl, going to the midnight showing of Return of the King, and being sick, this comic is several days late. I felt a little guilty at first, but then I thought “if my fans wanted comics on time, they’d pay me!” Enjoy the comic ya freeloaders.

12/2/03 – New Chainsaw Guy and the second December Image of the Month in a row to be about the Ramones.

11/18/03 – New episode of Chainsaw Guy, in which Chainsaw Guy may or may not get a new sidekick. As an added bonus, here’s a picture of Aaron’s Chainsaw Guy Halloween costume!

11/4/03 – Another new Chainsaw Guy, plus Aaron did two guest strips for BISN tonight. Three comics in one night is a lot more than his normal two in a month. Also, everyone go see Five Iron Frenzy on their farewell tour if you get the chance. I pity the foo who misses FIF!

10/21/03 – New Chainsaw Guy, and chainsawcomics.com will be on a new server soon! No more ads! Woo! New site design coming “some day.” Maybe…

10/7/03 – The bad news is Arnold is going to be governor and we all need to leave California like rats off a sinking ship… the good news is the origin of Chainsaw Guy has finally been revealed!

9/16/03 – New Episode of Chainsaw Guy, based on a combination of the White Stripes concert I went to on Saturday night, and a conversation I had with Nathan yesterday about Chainsaw Guy getting in a fight.

9/2/03 – The historic 20th episode of Chainsaw Guy! What? That’s what I said for the 10th episode? Well they both are! Anywho… this episode wasn’t officially co-written by Ashley Friend so she didn’t get credited in the comic, but she helped with the idea, so it’s only fair to point that out here. Enjoy the comic ya ingrates!

8/19/03 – After years (months) of waiting, Fowl Life #1 is done! This is Nathan’s most serious and introspective work to date, I pity the fool who doesn’t read it..

8/12/03 – New schedule! Jason will now be doing new comics the second and fourth weeks each month! New Wretched Zoo to shock and amaze you.

8/5/03 – New Chainsaw Guy co-written by Ashley Friend! Woo! Plus, The 2003 San Diego Comic Con Chainsaw Guy Experiment is now online! Check it out, ya’ll!

7/22/03 – Back from Comic Con, and Jason has been inspired to start working on Wretched Zoo more regularly. Hooray! I got a ton of sketches at Comic Con, and they should be on the site pretty soon (depending on when I get a chance to hook my scanner up to my sister’s computer or fix mine).

7/8/03 – My computer is up and running again… mostly. Enough to do an episode of Chainsaw Guy anyway. Enjoy!

6/17/03 – My computer is dead… you’ll have to wait for a new comic…

6/3/03 – New Chainsaw Guy, in which Chainsaw Guy reacts to Dracula’s rude and thoughtless comment in Lil Monsters #4.

5/20/03 – New Lil Monsters. Could be the start of a Lil Monsters/ Chainsaw Guy rivalry… but then again… maybe not. We’ll just have to wait and see.

5/6/03 – New TKC Comic, most likely the last one until the beginning of TKC Comics 2.0

4/22/03 – New Chainsaw Guy… sorry…

4/9/03- New Lil Monsters.
Also… Sunday was Chainsaw Comics’ one year anniversary! It’s been a great first year, even if things didn’t go exactly as planned. We’ve had 24 comics from 8 different series and 4 different artists. Plans for the coming year:

* New site design
* chainsawcomics.com
* More guest comics, including upcoming comics by Amy Shepard, Pannel Vaughn, and many more.
* After many delays, Aaron has decided to continue his long awaited comic “Perchance to Dream” painted. While this will take a long time to complete, it should be done some time this year.
* The birth of TKC Comics 2.0, a series of short horror comics by Nathan and Aaron.
* Aaron and Jason will be attending Comic-Con in San Diego, and may possibly recruit some new artists to do guest strips.
* More surprises! Yay!

3/18/03 – New Chainsaw Guy, featuring the worst ever “How to” instructions.

3/4/03 – Lil Monsters is back with Episode 2. The series has been getting great reviews so far. Laura Beal describes it as “perfect,” while Shera Steere calls it “gross.”

2/17/03 – The premier episode of Lil Monsters, a brand new series from Aaron Brassea.

2/4/03 – Had a great time at APE. Got some cool original art which I’ll post here, and some great indie comics. New Chainsaw Guy.

1/21/03 – New Chainsaw Guy, guest starring Buff Idiot and Smarty Nerd… sorta.

1/6/03 – After a nice refreshing vacation, back with a new comic by Jason.

12/02/02 – Brand spanking new TKC Comic.

11/18/02 – Yet another new Chainsaw Guy.

11/5/02 – “New” Chainsaw Guy.

10/21/02 – The historic 10th epiosde of Chainsaw Guy! Chainsaw Guy trivia: each picture of Chainsaw Guy is made up of 53 lines.

10/7/02 – Aaron did a guest week of Buff Idiot and Smarty Nerd, so Nathan did a guest Chainsaw Guy.

9/17/02 – Introducing a new series by Aaron (Chainsaw Guy) and Nathan (Buff Idiot and Smarty Nerd).

9/2/02 – Proudly presenting what could well be the craziest Chainsaw Guy ever.

8/19/02 – Yet another new Chainsaw Guy!

8/6/02 – New Chainsaw Guy! Happy fun excitement dancing!!!

7/15/02 – The long awaited conclussion of No Need For Clowns.

6/3/02 – As some of you may have noticed, Chainsaw Comics has not been meeting the schedule we had set for ourselves. For the time being, updates will be on the first and third weeks of each month.

5/14/02 – The good news is Jason got a new apartment. The bad news is that as a result he was unable to do a new comic. New comic by Aaron.

5/9/02 – Due to problems beyond our control, there was no new comic last week and this week’s comic is several days late. We apologize for the inconvenience and hope that next week’s comic will be closer to on time.

4/21/02 – Dave was unable to finish his first comic in time, so this week you will be treated with a new episode of Chainsaw Guy.

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