3 Responses to “Kurt & Adele A Love Story by Emi Gennis”

  1. Chainsaw Comics Anthology Previews! | Says:

    […] As some of you may know, I have a story that will be included in the upcoming Chainsaw Comics Anthology! This month Chainsaw Comics is posting selections from the anthology on their website as a preview and this week, my comic is up! The theme of the anthology is “Fear.” I submitted a short story about Kurt Gödel, a brilliant albeit slightly deranged mathematician. Please go check it out! […]

  2. Jean Gennis Says:

    I’m jealous! This is so incredibly creative and twisted and real. Jeez, girl, it’s fabulous.

  3. Darren Casella Says:

    This is fantastic ! You should do a collection of these, you could use Asimov’s Biographical Encyclopedia of Scientists and Mathematicians as source material.