- September 2003, Week One
INTERJUNCTION - bisn175 dedicated to Aaron for finally finishing my comic.
- bisn176 dedicated to the crap.
- bisn177 dedicated to Greg Russinger.
- I was on vacation, so these last two comics were completed in the second week of September.
- bisn178 dedicated to my wing which should’ve been asque.
- bisn179 dedicated to Johnny Cash (1932-2003).
- August 2003, Week Three
INTERCALATION - bisn169 dedicated to Aaron comic…the please to be finishing, oig!
- bisn170 dedicated to stolen stolen jokes…
- bisn171 dedicated to Grandma Einstein and Grandpa Frankenstein.
- bisn172 dedicated to my amazing spell checking abillities.
- bisn173 dedicated to my Mom and Dad because I hope they’re not dishonored by their negative portrayal in Fowl Life. Oh, this probably wasn’t the best comic to dedicate to them either… Well, it’s the thought that counts, right?
- August 2003, Week One
INTERSTRATIFICATION - bisn164 dedicated to Aaron, fin…ish…my…comic!!!
- bisn165 dedicated to my freestyle.
- bisn166 dedicated to the Black Eyed Peas.
- bisn167 dedicated to Information Week for sending me three magazines today. I have no idea why, nor have I ever been interested enough to read even one article.
- bisn168 dedicated to the attendant at the Shell on Ventura Blvd. in Camarillo who, after I made my soda purchase, unbuttoned his shirt, scratched his armpit, rebuttoned his shirt, and sniffed his fingers, apparently deciding to not wash his hands in the sink two feet away.
- July 2003, Week Three
INHABITATION - bisn159 dedicated to Aaron, finish my comic!!!
- bisn160 dedicated to Buff Idiot’s eyes.
- bisn161 dedicated to dirty hippies, I mean, not dedicated to them! DIE DIE!!!
- bisn162 dedicated to From Dusk Till Dawn
- bisn163 dedicated to drama.
- July 2003, Week One
INQUIETATION - bisn152 dedicated to Aaron, finish my comic!
- bisn153 dedicated to spacial limitations.
- bisn154 dedicated to onomatopoeias.
- bisn155 dedicated to Blue Oyster Cult? I dunno…
- one hundred fifty-six Buff Idiot and Smarty Nerd sells out! Laugh riotously as all rules are broken!
- June 2003, Week Three
INCORPORATION - bisn150 dedicated to Aaron, happy birthday!
- bisn151 dedicated to self-nominators.
- bisn157 dedicated to crappy computer parts that don’t work from Frys (guest artist: Aaron Brassea).
- bisn158 dedicated to low priced computer parts that actually work from newegg.com (guest artist: Aaron Brassea).
- bisn174 dedicated to the last 5 weeks being dedicated to me, my computer finally working right, and Fowl Life #1 (guest artist: Aaron Brassea).
- June 2003, Week One
INSANITATION - bisn145 dedicated to Sam’s Club.
- bisn146 dedicated to not remembering what the theme is and being to lazy to open a browser.
- bisn147 dedicated to wait wait wait come back my friend.
- bisn148 dedicated to hot secretaries that turn into strange computer door thingys.
- bisn149 dedicated to the un-dead!
- May 2003, Week Three
INTENTATION - bisn140 dedicated to PCH.
- bisn141 dedicated to idiots, opps…was that an opinion?
- bisn142 dedicated to my random sicknesses and f’d up home scanner.
- bisn143 dedicated to my random health.
- bisn144 dedicated to whatever it was that I forget now…
- May 2003, Week One
INTEREMPTION - bisn135 dedicated to Freedom Fries.
- bisn136 dedicated to the Holy Grail.
- bisn137 dedicated to Warner Bros.
- bisn138 dedicated to remembering to color in that one part…
- bisn139 dedicated to the Double L.
- April 2003, Week Three
INTERROGATION - bisn130 dedicated to America West.
- bisn131 dedicated to the fact that I can put completely different text than I was planning when I drew the art!
- bisn132 dedicated to donuts.
- bisn133 dedicated to Jeeves for not answering my questions AGAIN!
- bisn134 dedicated to bisn134, because I think it’s one of the best I’ve done in a long time.
- April 2003, Week One
INCRIMINATION - bisn125 dedicated to the the Keenster.
- bisn126 dedicated to the my not so new scanner at home.
- bisn127 dedicated to that special feeling.
- bisn128 dedicated to all my loved ones, whom I love even when I think they’re wrong wrong wrong!
- bisn129 dedicated to Hepcat.
- March 2003, Week Three
INTERLUCIDATION - bisn120 dedicated to the fans that knew I must’ve had Bronchitis or something.
- bisn121 dedicated to all who are weary, feeling small.
- bisn122 dedicated to those that think this is stating some opinion – just wait ’til tomorrow!
- bisn123 dedicated to changes of plans…
- bisn124 dedicated to fools who be steppin’.
- March 2003, Week One
INTERLOPATION - bisn115 dedicated to the ABA.
- bisn116 dedicated to the sounds of silence.
- bisn117 dedicated to the chimney I should’ve included.
- bisn118 dedicated to Dubya.
- bisn119 dedicated to the elements.
- February 2003, Week Three
INCOMMODATION - bisn110 dedicated to Grandpa James.
- bisn111 dedicated to our Nation’s factories.
- bisn112b dedicated to me because it’s my birthday and I can do whatever I want!
- bisn113 dedicated to patchin’ thangs up. Also, backin’…
- bisn114 dedicated to the fans for waiting ’til Monday.
- February 2003, Week One
INTERSUSCEPTION - bisn105 dedicated to oh, I don’t know…Eric.
- bisn106 dedicated to the Big Kahuna.
- bisn107 dedicated to the return of Bad Guy.
- bisn108 dedicated to if-I-can’t-have-her-no-one-can.
- bisn109 dedicated to whatever it was I was gonna dedicate this to before I forgot.
- January 2003, Week Three
INFATUATION - bisn100!!! dedicated to sugar.
- bisn101 dedicated to Deltron.
- bisn102 dedicated to Forget Domani.
- bisn103 dedicated to being cut loose like a deuce.
- bisn104 dedicated to Chainsaw Guy, Aaron for figuring out what would happen, and Keenspace for having constant problems.
- January 2003, Week One
INSTALLATION - bisn095 dedicated to the Machine.
- bisn096 dedicated to entendre.
- bisn097 dedicated to lapsed insurance.
- bisn098 dedicated to things that are golden.
- bisn099 dedicated to 1937.
- December 2002, Week Three
INCRUSTATION - bisn090 dedicated to nonexistent self-loathing.
- bisn091 dedicated to the biz.
- bisn092 dedicated to cheesin’ it.
- bisn093 dedicated to the plot that I originally came up with, but couldn’t use because it involved Hot Chick.
- bisn094 dedicated to my new, green Post-It Notes.
- December 2002, Week One
INNERVATION - bisn085 dedicated to Windows XP.
- bisn086 dedicated to not remembering the theme.
- bisn087 dedicated to indigestion forthcoming.
- bisn088 dedicated to Psycho.
- bisn089 dedicated to gross-out!
- November 2002, Week Three
INCIVILIZATION - bisn080 dedicated to Frankenstein.
- bisn081 dedicated to bootie.
- bisn082 dedicated to following statement: Hey kids, sorry this one sucks!
- bisn083 dedicated to you-know-who…
- bisn084 dedicated to anywho who thinks we won’t be back in December.
- November 2002, Week One
INSCENATION - bisn075 dedicated to beans, wink wink nudge nudge.
- bisn076 dedicated to assumptions.
- bisn077 dedicated to sea change.
- bisn078 dedicated to Pet Store Girl.
- bisn079 dedicated to my lady.
- October 2002, Week Three
INADAPTATION - bisn070 dedicated to Thomas Dolby.
- bisn071 dedicated to the strange bisn0 world.
- bisn072 dedicated to Queen.
- bisn073 dedicated to Internet Explorer, what?
- bisn074 dedicated to too much text.
- October 2002, Week One
INVESTIGATION - bisn065 dedicated to Blue’s Clues.
- bisn066 dedicated to the monster.
- bisn067 dedicated to Mary Kay.
- bisn068 dedicated to the murderer.
- bisn069 dedicated to me!
- September 2002, Week Four (guest artist: Aaron Brassea):
INHALATION - bisn060 dedicated to No Face.
- bisn061 dedicated to Shawna for helping me try to think of a word that means “not beating.”
- bisn062 dedicated to anyone who’s ever been drenched in someone else’s urine.
- bisn063 dedicated to all the poor souls lost in dead bodies.
- bisn064 dedicated to Nessie being out of town and unable to stop me.
- September 2002, Week Three:
INOCULATION - bisn055 dedicated to Erin.
- bisn056 dedicated to Green Day.
- bisn057 dedicated to the Ramones!
- bisn058 dedicated to the game.
- bisn059 dedicated to the fact that stealing a joke from something popular is lame and unoriginal, but stealing a joke from something underground is a hip “reference”.
- September 2002, Week One:
INADEQUATION - bisn050! dedicated to Labor Day, which was created to celebrate the 50th bisn0!
- bisn051 dedicated to “inclusion,” what I was going to name this week.
- bisn052 dedicated to anyone who can guess the name of our newest characterish.
- bisn053 dedicated to yeah, you know.
- bisn054 dedicated to feeling all itchy.
- August 2002, Week Three:
INHIBITION - bisn045 dedicated to Pigeon John
- bisn046 dedicated to your cold cold heart
- bisn047 dedicated to spy stuff
- bisn048 dedicated to smack
- bisn049 dedicated to X, the band
- August 2002, Week One:
INFECTION - bisn040 dedicated to bad flame jobs
- bisn041 dedicated to the guards at Buckingham
- bisn042 dedicated to the banana slip, hahahaha
- bisn043 dedicated to ach-ee-double-hockeyshtickage
- bisn044 dedicated to Evil the Aardvark
- July 2002, Week Three:
INCARCERATION - bisn035 dedicated to the Fuzz, the Pigs, the Po-Po, the 5-0, the Cops!
- bisn036 dedicated to prisoners
- bisn037 dedicated to shaving
- bisn038 dedicated to the cold, expansive darkness
- bisn039 dedicated to turning mourning into dancing, also death!
- July 2002, Week One:
INSTRUCTION - bisn030 dedicated to Norm
- bisn031 dedicated to broads
- bisn032 dedicated to tkc slang, sorta
- bisn033 dedicated to being a day early on acounta the holiday
- bisn034 dedicated to The Phantom Riders
- June 2002, Week Three:
INDIGESTION - bisn025 dedicated to Mike
- bisn026 dedicated to tricky girls
- bisn027 dedicated to Mike again, for guidance
- bisn028 dedicated to Aaron Brassea, Robyn Jordan, and Tony Millionaire
- bisn029 dedicated to Max Leibman
- June 2002, Week One:
INCONCIEVETION - bisn020 dedicated to the Magical Mystery Tour
- bisn021 dedicated to Brandt
- bisn022 dedicated to the letters O and I and to the number 7
- bisn023 dedicated to words and how much space they take up, grrr
- bisn024 dedicated to P.O.D., what?
- May 2002, Week Three:
INTERJECTION - bisn015 dedicated to David, you fool!
- bisn016 dedicated to anyone who thinks the last panel is hard to read
- bisn017 dedicated to all the avid readers
- bisn018 dedicated to Cake, the band
- bisn019 dedicated to me for finally finishing this week…sigh
- May 2002, Week One:
INVISIBLE-TION - bisn010 dedicated to the Jacob’s Ladder
- bisn011 dedicated to violence in general
- bisn012 dedicated to girls who need role models
- bisn013 dedicated to the guy that invinted pinching
- bisn014 dedicated to Jeremy
- April 2002, Week Three:
INTROSPECTION - bisn005 dedicated to all the hard working women out there
- bisn006 dedicated to Scott Mccloud
- bisn007 dedicated to episode #1120, “Last Tap Dance in Springfield”
- bisn008 dedicated to MC Fong
- bisn009 dedicated to my scanner, who had the post-its all along, and to Felicia, who found me new post-its in my moment of need.
- April 2002, Week One:
INTRODUCTION - bisn dedicated to brandt
- bisn001 dedicated to everyone who already did this joke
- bisn002 dedicated to the car in the first panel
- bisn003 dedicated to your mom
- bisn004 dedicated to Max Leibman
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